Norma Jean's Lil Peeps© Horror and Gory Stuff- Mad Scientists

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I created only 9 of these mad scientists with their 'victims'- because I could not find enough volunteers to go headless for the lab jars... it seems that the homeless community got wind of the mad doctor's agenda and are refusing the offer of a free meal. I heard that the next group of 'victims' may come from the bureaucrat community as they have never been known to turn down anything free no matter what the agenda of those giving it away...
Dr. Theophile Kevorkian
NAME: "Theophile "
ED.# 1 of 9
Height 15"
STOLEN 11/9/2007
$ 325.00
In 1956, Dr. Theophile Kevorkian was a 16 year old, impressionable Harvard medical student in the exciting field of forensic science. His professor, Dr. Fortunato Fidelis, was working on a case with local law enforcement involving the decapitation of a pig farmer. So brilliant was Theo at that tender age, the science prodigy was asked by his professor to assist in dissecting the farmer’s head, seeking clues to the man’s killer. Theo found microscopic traces of spinach around the dead man’s neck, leading Kevorkian to correctly conclude that the poor pig farmer had been butchered by a rabid vegetarian.

The dissecting experience proved so intriguing to young Theophile, that severed heads became his lifelong passion- and hobby. Dr. Theophile Kevorkian became an expert at luring homeless men to his laboratory, offering them a free meal before he sacrificed them to his beloved science. Since no one ever missed the homeless men he beheaded and pickled, his secret was safe.

In 1997, he won the prestigious Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns in brain cells.


Dr. Egas Feelgood
NAME: "Egas"
ED.# 2 of 9
Height 15"
$ 325.00
In 1956, Dr. Egas Feelgood was a 16 year old, impressionable Harvard medical student in the exciting field of forensic science. His professor, Dr. Fortunato Fidelis, was working on a case with local law enforcement involving the decapitation of a pig farmer. So brilliant was Feelgood at that tender age, the science prodigy was asked by his professor to assist in dissecting the farmer’s head, seeking clues to the man’s killer. Egas found microscopic traces of spinach around the dead man’s neck, leading Feelgood to correctly conclude that the poor pig farmer had been butchered by a rabid vegetarian.

The dissecting experience proved so intriguing to young Egas, that severed heads became his lifelong passion- and hobby. Dr. Egas Feelgood became an expert at luring homeless men to his laboratory, offering them a free meal before he sacrificed them to his beloved science. Since no one ever missed the homeless men he beheaded and pickled, his secret was safe.

In 1997, he won the prestigious Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns in brain cells.

Dr. Casper Who
NAME: "Casper"
ED.# 3 of 9
Height 15"
$ 325.00
In 1956, Dr. Casper Who was a 16 year old, impressionable Harvard medical student in the exciting field of forensic science. His professor, Dr. Fortunato Fidelis, was working on a case with local law enforcement involving the decapitation of a pig farmer. So brilliant was Who at that tender age, the science prodigy was asked by his professor to assist in dissecting the farmer’s head, seeking clues to the man’s killer. Casper found microscopic traces of spinach around the dead man’s neck, leading Who to correctly conclude that the poor pig farmer had been butchered by a rabid vegetarian.

The dissecting experience proved so intriguing to young Casper, that severed heads became his lifelong passion- and hobby. Dr. Casper Who became an expert at luring homeless men to his laboratory, offering them a free meal before he sacrificed them to his beloved science. Since no one ever missed the homeless men he beheaded and pickled, his secret was safe.

In 1997, he won the prestigious Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns in brain cells.

Dr. Sherlock Watson
NAME: "Sherlock"
ED.#4 of 9
Height 15"
$ 325.00
In 1956, Dr. Sherlock Watson was a 16 year old, impressionable Harvard medical student in the exciting field of forensic science. His professor, Dr. Fortunato Fidelis, was working on a case with local law enforcement involving the decapitation of a pig farmer. So brilliant was Sherlock at that tender age, the science prodigy was asked by his professor to assist in dissecting the farmer’s head, seeking clues to the man’s killer. Watson found microscopic traces of spinach around the dead man’s neck, leading Watson to correctly conclude that the poor pig farmer had been butchered by a rabid vegetarian.

The dissecting experience proved so intriguing to young Sherlock, that severed heads became his lifelong passion- and hobby. Dr. Sherlock Watson became an expert at luring homeless men to his laboratory, offering them a free meal before he sacrificed them to his beloved science. Since no one ever missed the homeless men he beheaded and pickled, his secret was safe.

In 1997, he won the prestigious Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns in brain cells.

Dr. Harpo Phill
NAME: "Harpo"
ED.# 5 of 9
Height 15"
$ 325.00
In 1956, Dr. Harpo Phill was a 16 year old, impressionable Harvard medical student in the exciting field of forensic science. His professor, Dr. Fortunato Fidelis, was working on a case with local law enforcement involving the decapitation of a pig farmer. So brilliant was Harpo at that tender age, the science prodigy was asked by his professor to assist in dissecting the farmer’s head, seeking clues to the man’s killer. Phill found microscopic traces of spinach around the dead man’s neck, leading Phill to correctly conclude that the poor pig farmer had been butchered by a rabid vegetarian.

The dissecting experience proved so intriguing to young Harpo, that severed heads became his lifelong passion- and hobby. Dr. Harpo Phill became an expert at luring homeless men to his laboratory, offering them a free meal before he sacrificed them to his beloved science. Since no one ever missed the homeless men he beheaded and pickled, his secret was safe.

In 1997, he won the prestigious Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns in brain cells.

Dr. Hippocrates Spock
NAME: "Hippo"
ED.# 6 of 9
Height 15"
$ 325.00
In 1956, Dr. Hippocrates Spock was a 16 year old, impressionable Harvard medical student in the exciting field of forensic science. His professor, Dr. Fortunato Fidelis, was working on a case with local law enforcement involving the decapitation of a pig farmer. So brilliant was Spock at that tender age, the science prodigy was asked by his professor to assist in dissecting the farmer’s head, seeking clues to the man’s killer. Spock found microscopic traces of spinach around the dead man’s neck, leading Spock to correctly conclude that the poor pig farmer had been butchered by a rabid vegetarian.

The dissecting experience proved so intriguing to young Hippocrates, that severed heads became his lifelong passion- and hobby. Dr. Spock became an expert at luring homeless men to his laboratory, offering them a free meal before he sacrificed them to his beloved science. Since no one ever missed the homeless men he beheaded and pickled, his secret was safe.

In 1997, he won the prestigious Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns in brain cells.

Dr. James Brothers
NAME: "Jimmy Jim"
ED.# 7 of 9
Height 15"
$ 325.00
In 1956, Dr. James Brothers was a 16 year old, impressionable Harvard medical student in the exciting field of forensic science. His professor, Dr. Fortunato Fidelis, was working on a case with local law enforcement involving the decapitation of a pig farmer. So brilliant was Brothers at that tender age, the science prodigy was asked by his professor to assist in dissecting the farmer’s head, seeking clues to the man’s killer. Brothers found microscopic traces of spinach around the dead man’s neck, leading Brothers to correctly conclude that the poor pig farmer had been butchered by a rabid vegetarian.

The dissecting experience proved so intriguing to young James, that severed heads became his lifelong passion- and hobby. Dr. Brothers became an expert at luring homeless men to his laboratory, offering them a free meal before he sacrificed them to his beloved science. Since no one ever missed the homeless men he beheaded and pickled, his secret was safe.

In 1997, he won the prestigious Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns in brain cells.

Dr. Sigmond Fraude
NAME: "Siggy"
ED.# 8 of 9
Height 15"
$ 325.00
In 1956, Dr. Sigmond Fraude was a 16 year old, impressionable Harvard medical student in the exciting field of forensic science. His professor, Dr. Fortunato Fidelis, was working on a case with local law enforcement involving the decapitation of a pig farmer. So brilliant was Sigmond Fraude at that tender age, the science prodigy was asked by his professor to assist in dissecting the farmer’s head, seeking clues to the man’s killer. Sigmond found microscopic traces of spinach around the dead man’s neck, leading Fraude to correctly conclude that the poor pig farmer had been butchered by a rabid vegetarian.

The dissecting experience proved so intriguing to young Sigmond, that severed heads became his lifelong passion- and hobby. Dr. Fraude became an expert at luring homeless men to his laboratory, offering them a free meal before he sacrificed them to his beloved science. Since no one ever missed the homeless men he beheaded and pickled, his secret was safe.

In 1997, he won the prestigious Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns in brain cells.

Dr. Carl Hung
NAME: "Hung"
ED.# 9 of 9
Height 15"
$ 325.00
In 1956, Dr. Carl Hung was a 16 year old, impressionable Harvard medical student in the exciting field of forensic science. His professor, Dr. Fortunato Fidelis, was working on a case with local law enforcement involving the decapitation of a pig farmer. So brilliant was Carl Hung at that tender age, the science prodigy was asked by his professor to assist in dissecting the farmer’s head, seeking clues to the man’s killer. Carl found microscopic traces of spinach around the dead man’s neck, leading Hung to correctly conclude that the poor pig farmer had been butchered by a rabid vegetarian.

The dissecting experience proved so intriguing to young Carl, that severed heads became his lifelong passion- and hobby. Dr. Hung became an expert at luring homeless men to his laboratory, offering them a free meal before he sacrificed them to his beloved science. Since no one ever missed the homeless men he beheaded and pickled, his secret was safe.

In 1997, he won the prestigious Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behavior patterns in brain cells.

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